Monday, 14 February 2011

Adventures In Candy Land

Recently I whipped up this batch of caramels as a birthday/house-guest gift for a weekend trip.  'Whipped up,' makes it sound like a much easier process than it turned out to be.  I used Mark Bitman's recipe, as seen on Cupcakes and Cashmere in the hopes of an easy batch of homemade candies.  Clearly this was my first time dealing with candy making as I ended up resorting to sewing scissors to cut the caramel and only after several reheatings.  -When they're specific about a temperature in candy making, guesstimating just doesn't cut it.-  Needless to say, the results were gratifyingly tasty and I have now tackled the field of candy.  For the time being however, I think i'll leave that field largely unexplored and stick to my trusty chocolate chip cookies ; )

The finished product!

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